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Happy Clients

- Morgan Hepler

"Jake is a great fitness coach! He does an awesome job explaining how the body works and making workouts that are customized for my personal goals. He has challenged me to stay consistent and to be healthier. I definitely recommend him!"

-Kerry Young

"Peak Living with coach Jake Gold was a very positive and rewarding experience for my husband and I. Jake’s extensive knowledge of body fitness and nutrition gave us valuable fitness tips that will help us lead healthier lives."

-Jeremiah Bove

"Jacob at Peak Living did a detailed assessment of my joints and mobility yesterday. His knowledge of the body and how everything is related is amazing! I’m looking forward to working with him on a custom workout plan to strengthen my back and bring me to a place where I can keep up with the grandkids with conference!"

-Cole Dorman

"Jacob is a great joint mobility specialist! He is knows a ton and really describes what he is doing in a way that makes sense. I would definitely come back!"

-Judah Draxlir

"Jake did an assessment of my body, he showed me where there were pressure points and joints that weren’t moving like they should and much more! It was amazing to be given insight on how my body should be able to move and then given exercise and stretches to meet my goals on back strength and spine health. Excited to keep working with him!"

-Mason Addison

"My goal was to strengthen my shoulders and wrists for summer as beach volleyball days approached. Working with Jake, I was able to get just that and more. The work outs fit into my schedule great and most importantly he worked around my schedule, not me around his. He’s very knowledgeable and helpful with the things I need to know. Loved it all!"


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